About the Journal

Aim and Scope

Aula Abierta is a quarterly scientific magazine that publishes original papers on Education, of an empirical or theoretical nature, in Spanish or English, and relevant to researchers or professionals in Education.

The majority (at least 75%) of the published articles will be empirical works that communicate original research results. The rest, descriptive innovative educational experiences or theoretical works, will be published only at the prior proposal or request of the magazine's editors.

Originally, the main goal of Aula Abierta was to contribute to the dissemination of quality educational research carried out in Spain. However, nowadays the magazine is open to the publication of international works that are of special interest and make a relevant contribution to the field of Education, without geographical constraints.

Peer review process

Authors' guidelines and required metadata

Publication frequency

The publication is quarterly (January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December).

Open Access Policy and copyright



Aula Abierta has enabled different interoperability protocols through the OJS publication platform through the OAI-PMH Interface ( and support for Metadata Dublin Core 1.1., MODS 3.4 and OpenURL 1.0

Regarding digital preservation policies, the document repository is subject to a backup policy in the institutional repository of the University of Oviedo (https://digibuo.uniovi.es/dspace/).

Statistical editorial data

Average time for reviewing submissions

Average acceptance and reject rates


Journal History

Aula Abierta was created in 1973 to accommodate educational publications. The magazine initially had a quarterly periodicity and was directed by Professor Tomás Recio. In 1979 it changed to a four-monthly periodicity; Between 1984 and 1988 there was an alternation between four-monthly and the semi-annual periodicity, the latter becoming established from 1989 to 2018. From then until now, Aula Abierta has been maintaining a quarterly periodicity and offers four annual issues.

In 1993 a commemorative number of 20 years was published, presented by the then-Rector of the University of Oviedo, Professor Santiago Gascón, who highlighted that Aula Abierta, which had been created within a regional geographical framework, had gone on to be a national and international magazine.

Currently, all those who want to publish their scientific contributions in the field of education still have the doors of our magazine open to them.


Good editorial practices in gender equality 

Authors are recommended to use appropriate linguistic resources to write texts in an inclusive and non-sexist manner, avoiding biased, discriminatory, degrading, or invisibilizing expressions towards women and their contributions.

In order to increase the visibility of women in the fields of teaching, research, and knowledge dissemination, it is recommended to include the first names of both female and male authors in the final list of bibliographic references (e.g., Martínez-González, Raquel Amaya). Furthermore, it is necessary to correctly refer to female authorship within the body of the text (e.g., "she wrote" or "her work") instead of indiscriminately attributing authorship to males. It is recommended that authors of manuscripts written in English follow the Guidelines for Inclusive Language provided by the Linguistic Society of America (https://www.linguisticsociety.org/resource/guidelines-inclusive-language )

Furthermore, it is recommended that authors of published works, which have been based on research data including gender as a variable, disclose whether the conclusions have taken into account potential gender differences.

For further information, you can consult the resources provided by the Equality Unit of the University of Oviedo.